

K-LINEの公認ストア、およびケモノ作品に特化した月に一度開店するギャラリーです。 K-LINE作品の提供場所として、またグッズなどの物販を行う店舗としてはもちろん、その他企画展などを定期的に開催していきます。

This is an authorized K-LINE store and gallery specializing in kemono artwork. As well as being a place to offer K-LINE's works and a store to sell goods and other items, the gallery will also regularly hold other special exhibitions.

13:00 - 18:00

■Next opening date
November 4th
1PM - 6 PM
20-9 Minamicho Suruga-ku,Shizuoka-shi,
Shizuoka-ken 422-8067 Japan


・現地のみの特別な品:イベント用在庫品、額装写真、イラストの原画、アウトレット品の販売 など







□Product and Goods Sales

・Sales of existing goods, requests for production of characters (only those characters listed on the official website)
・Special items for on-site use only: completed stuffed animals, framed photos, original illustrations, and outlet items for sale. 




If you have a large amount of luggage, such as a shoulder bag or suitcase, please leave it in the car or at the baggage drop-off area in the train station before coming to the event.Ideally, please keep both hands free while visiting the exhibition, but this does not apply to walking aids and the like. If you are using a car, motorcycle, or bicycle, please park it at a nearby facility. The owner of the property has two cats in the showroom. We are unable to take measures for those with allergies as the owner wishes to keep them open in the room. 


・ケモノノスは屋内屋外とも撮影は可能ですが、SNSなどに投稿される個人情報が認識できるものを識別できない程度にモザイクないしスタンプなどで上書きする処理を行なってください。・店内の模様は静止画、動画などで撮影され、印刷物やWebサイトなど、K-LINEが関係する各メディアにてプライバシーに配慮した加工を施した上で公開されることがあります。 あらかじめご了承の上ご参加ください。・ライブコマース、転売目的での購入、また販売品のリストを制作する行為を禁止します。・当物件はK-LINEが全てを所有するものではありません。私たちの作品はもちろん、オーナー所有の私物や備品について損害をもたらした場合、修繕費用を即時ご請求いたします。・過去イベント、展示会などで迷惑行為が確認されている方は来場をご遠慮いただきます。

<Other notes>

Please do not use mosaic or stamps to overwrite any personal information that may be posted on social networking sites. Live commerce, purchases for the purpose of resale, and the creation of lists of items for sale are prohibited.The photos and videos of the event may be used in K-LINE media, including printed materials and websites, and may be published in a manner that protects the privacy of the public. Please be aware of this before participating in the event.K-LINE does not own the entire property. If you cause any damage to our work or any of the owner's personal belongings or equipment, we will immediately charge you for the cost of repairs. We ask that those who have been found to be disruptive at past events or exhibitions are not permitted to visit the property. The property is usually used for the owner's other business.